That one in the family

She’s my younger sister. Almost exactly five years younger than my twin and me – which puts her at 17. Of course, being that much younger we didn’t know till lately exactly what her skills were and where her interests lay. For all we knew, she did a bit of everything – unlike my twin and me, who are as far apart as night from day.

In fact, we’re so far different that that topic merits an entirely different blog. Suffice it to say that the family, that is our parents and the twins, believed her to be what you would call “well-rounded”. She did a good bit of drawing, she was into violin and guitar for a year or so, and she was even drawn into sports for a while – soccer, specifically.

And then, it happened. Shortly before I graduated from college – that was March of this year – she began to lean toward pencil drawing portraits. We were amazed at how good she was. Even after her own freshman year began – also this year – and now well into her second semester, she spends hours each day filling new pages of her drawing books. She has recently begun venturing into pen drawings and is currently reveling in her latest Christmas gift from the parents: a set of new drawing pencils, a set of charcoal sticks, a kneaded eraser, and a fixative spray.

Not only that – she is proving to have a very good voice. Better than any of us, and our family loves to sing. Her vocal range is higher and lower than mine – higher and lower! She also loves to harmonize in the second voice and is delving into the secrets of the third voice. With proper training I’m sure she will extend her range and develop stamina. In fact, I can’t wait to see what she will be able to do in the years to come.

She searches for actors’ pictures to reproduce on paper, and looks for sites and online videos that give tips on drawing. She has a huge library of music in her iTouch and she listens and harmonizes with the songs.

She amazes me, I am so proud of her and I absolutely love what she can do. Looking at her drawings I’m sure an onlooker will see that there is much to improve. But if the passing observer could have seen in how short a time she developed her drawing skills – it seems leaps and bounds, in so few months! And I’m sure the streak has only just begun.

(December 26, 2014)

Below are samples of her pencil sketches from 2012 to 2015. 🙂

Published by

Random Ramblemate

Home lover, book lover, I push furniture around to relieve stress. There is always a new lesson to learn in the next season.

4 thoughts on “That one in the family”

  1. I like the girl with the cat hoodie, especially.

    Enough boasting! I get it. You have a super family of megaminds who are far more advanced than this guy:P Second and third voices. I don’t even know those terms.


    1. Hi writingbolt! Whatever boasting you got from there must have been implicit, other than the obvious boast about my sister. Haha 🙂 your blog seems pretty thought-provoking, by the way 🙂 and thanks for stopping by!


      1. What a beautifully smiling picture you have. 🙂

        You think I imagined the boasting?:) Yes, about your sis.

        Yer welcome:) Don’t be a stranger. Stop by and see what I have to read or start a topic/chat in the chat cafe anytime.


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